Battery or Cell Weight in grams
Battery or Cell Capacity in Wh
Number of Batteries or cells
How Batteries Are Packed
Batteries Built-In
Battery Type
Lithium Ion
Other Dangerous Goods or Hazardous Materials
Flammable Liquid
Contains Batteries or Cells?

What is White Noise?
Think of white noise as a cozy blanket for your ears. It's not just the sound of ocean waves or the gentle patter of rain—it's a collection of sounds that maintains the same intensity throughout the auditory range, creating a smooth and even backdrop of sound. This steady stream of audio helps to muffle any jarring noises that might disturb your slumber or concentration. It's like smoothing out the wrinkles in your auditory world, making it easier to sleep, study, or focus.
Here's a little secret: what we often refer to as “white noise” is actually more akin to “pink noise”—a softer, more sleep-friendly cousin. True white noise might be too harsh for delicate ears, but our sound machines are finely tuned to be gentle on the senses. Our sleep sound machines produce only the highest-quality, rich, robust sound that fills the room with soothing tones and brings you superior sleep.