BatMag battery dispenser - compatible with AA batteries.
Capacity: up to 10 AA batteries.
Batteries are your lifeline between winning and loosing in tactical situations.
You don’t want to fumble with your gear, un-pack, and waste time digging in your pouches searching for those elusive batteries. You need a battery dispenser that is easy to reach, easy to draw from, and compatible with mag pouches you already have.
Batmag comes to the rescue: A magazine-shaped, quickdraw battery dispenser.
MAGAZINE SHAPED: most battery storage boxes come in odd shapes, often not compatible with your gear. Batmag is designed to be compatible with most pouches on the market.
RELOAD: Batmag works as an ammo magazine: A pre-tensioned, stainless steel spring will keep batteries in place and feed them one by one.
INSTANT ACCESS to fresh batteries: batmag grants quick access to batteries when the ones in your gear is depleted. cuts down time for swaps so you can concentrate on your objective.
SHIELD your batteries: falls and hits can ding your batteries: using damaged batteries in your gear is always a risk. Batmag will protect your batteries from impacts, falls and hard hits.
WEATHER RESISTANT: batmag can withstand harsh temperatures ranging from 194F / 95C and down to 3F / -25C.
Proudly made in America.
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